104 research outputs found

    Control of multiscale systems with constraints. 1. Basic principles of the concept of evolution of systems with varying constraints

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    Physical fundamentals of the self-organizing theory for the system with varying constraints are considered. A variation principle, specifically the principle of dynamic harmonization as a generalization of the Gauss-Hertz principle for the systems with varying internal structure is formulated. In compliance with this principle the system evolves through dynamics of the processes leading to harmonization of the internal multiscale structure of the system and its connections with external actions as a result of minimizing the dynamic harmonization function. Main principles of the shell model of self-organization under the action of the dominating entropic disturbance are formulated.Comment: First par

    Proton- and -radiation of the Micro-Pinch with the Boron-Containing Target

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    Using ion pinhole camera and track detectors, the image of hot spot is recorded in a pulsed diode micro-pinch equipped with a solid anode target. The track image is a record of repeated fronts of fast protons with energies up to 1 MeV. Fluctuations in the ion luminosity of hot spot are associated with the wave-like nature of the proton accelerating processes in the dense plasma of target material, which is characterized by a mean energy of 100 keV. The results of the track analysis of a fast ions, detected in the Thomson analyser in experiments with boron-polyethylene targets, are presented. In 5% of the shots, the presence of ?-particles of energy up to 2 MeV in the flux of fast ions is discovered by means of Thomson analyser equipped with track detectors. Estimations of total amount of helium nuclei as products of nuclear reactions p(B11, 2?) result in an output of 108 ÷ 109 per successive shot

    On the low-temperature lattice thermal transport in nanowires

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    We propose a theory of low temperature thermal transport in nano-wires in the regime where a competition between phonon and flexural modes governs the relaxation processes. Starting with the standard kinetic equations for two different types of quasiparticles we derive a general expression for the coefficient of thermal conductivity. The underlying physics of thermal conductance is completely determined by the corresponding relaxation times, which can be calculated directly for any dispersion of quasiparticles depending on the size of a system. We show that if the considered relaxation mechanism is dominant, then at small wire diameters the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity experiences a crossover from T1/2T^{1/2} to T3T^3-dependence. Quantitative analysis shows reasonable agreement with resent experimental results.Comment: 12 pages, 3 eps figure

    Інвентаризація та оцінювання стану насаджень скверу біля обеліску слави в селі Межирічка

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    A detailed survey of the state of individual green plantations is an actual task both from the scientific and practical view, which allows us to develop further recommendations regarding the improvement of the range of plants, decorative and functional load of the objects of garden and park construction. Inventory of plantings is carried out in accordance with the document (Instrukcia…, 2001). The sanitary condition of plantations is determined by the scale of Rysin (2008). The distribution of plants according to ecological scales is carried out by Belhard (1971) and Pogrebnyak (1963). According to the results of the study, all specimens of the park are defined to belong to weakened trees and receive a mark of 1 by the scale of Rysin (2008). The mesotrophic group is the most numerous by relevance of the content of nutrients in the soil. Concerning the trees demand for light by Pyatnitsky (1960), the largest group is heliophilous plants – 50 %. Inspection of plantings for the presence of diseases and pests has shown that their percentage is within 35 %. In this case, the coniferous species almost had no signs of damage. Among the deciduous tree species, common types of spots were widespread diseases, as well as the damage of the tinder fungus. The most affected by diseases were such tree species as T. cordata and J. regia. The most widespread insects are the horse-chestnut leaf miner and the European corn borer. An assessment of the viability of the trees of the square to establish compliance with the conditions of growth showed that 73.5 % of their total number are in satisfactory condition. Summing up, it can be noted that the square in the village Mezhyrichka is in a relatively satisfactory condition. However, to improve the decorative qualities of the square, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the growth and development of all wood species, and to promote their natural renewal. This can be achieved by regular taking of appropriate corresponding agrotechnical measures (mowing of high grass, cutting of low value shrubs, fertilizing of the soil, etc.). In order to restore old specimens that are heavily affected by diseases and pests, it is necessary to plant young trees by the method of under canopy cultures. This will ensure a timely change in the planting of persistent age that can be lost at any time. It is also necessary to pay more attention to coniferous species, improving the conditions for their growth and expanding their assortment.Досліджено видовий склад дендрофлори скверу обеліску Слави в с. Межирічка Голованівського району Кіровоградської області. Виявлено, що на території парку зростає 34 екземпляри хвойних і листяних деревних порід. Переважно це Acer negundo L. та Robinia pseudoacacia L., інші листяні перебувають у меншій кількості. З хвойних порід присутні Pinus nigra Arn. та Picea abies L. Оцінено відповідність вимог дерев до екологічних умов території скверу. Згідно з результатами дослідження, усі екземпляри належать до ослаблених дерев та за шкалою Л. П. Рисіна отримують оцінку 1. За відношенням до вмісту поживних елементів у ґрунті найчисельнішою є група мезотрофів. Відносно вибагливості рослин до освітлення, за С. С. П'ятницьким, найбільшу групу складають світлолюбні (малотіньовитривалі) – 50 %. Обстеження насаджень на наявність ураження хворобами та шкідниками показало, що їхніх відсоток знаходиться в межах 35 %. Найбільше уражень хворобами мали такі деревні породи, як T. cordata та J. regia. Найпоширенішими серед комах є мінуюча міль та гусінь кукурудзяного (стеблового) метелика. З оцінки життєздатності деревних насаджень скверу для встановлення відповідності умовам зростання видно, що 73,5 % від їх загальної кількості знаходяться в задовільному стані. Встановлено, що сквер перебуває у відносно задовільному стані. Для покращання його декоративних якостей і повноцінного виконання ними всіх передбачуваних функцій надано відповідні рекомендації

    Підсумки інвентаризації Pinus Nigra Arn. у складі вуличних насаджень міста Умань

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    The taxonomic composition has been explored and the geographical analysis of P. nigra has been carried out in the street plantations of the City of Uman. To assess the feasibility of introducing a particular species into a particular area, along with its adaptive index, the preservation of those economic and valuable features, which are in the area of natural distribution and due to which it is desirable to cultivate, is of particular importance. On the basis of age parameters of the diameter and height of individual specimens, the high resistance of plants to the complicated conditions of the urbanized environment was noted and the prospect of using the species was established, under the influence of numerous anthropogenic factors on it. The increased interest in introduced plants in landscaping is due to the fact that in urban environments they are more stable and more durable than local species. The results show that all investigated P. nigra plants have high viability indicators and belong to the first group of availability. The significance of acclimatization numbers proves the promise of the introduction of P. nigra and the success of acclimatization in urban environments. In assessing the decorative qualities of P. nigra, it was basically found to stand out on the background of other species with its compact oval or cone crown, dark grey with different shades of cracked bark and long dark green needles. Due to these qualities, it retains an attractive appearance throughout the year, even in the winter. On the basis of the obtained results, the total annual decorative index of the main features of P. nigra is 4 points. It is established that medieval trees dominate in the age structure of street plantations of the city of Uman. Young trees under the age of 10 are absent at all, which suggests a low level of works for landscaping. According to the results of the evaluation of the success of P. nigra introduction in the urbanized environment, it is classified in the first group of promising plants, the degree of successful acclimatization is good, which indicates the normal acclimatization of this plant in the area of introduction. Thanks to its high decorative qualities, as well as its durability and unpretentiousness to the growth conditions, P. nigra perfectly adorns the streets of the city. It is grown both as a solitaire, and in combination with other plant species.Досліджено таксономічний склад та проведено географічний аналіз P. nigra у вуличних насадженнях Умані. На підставі відповідності віковим параметрам діаметра та висоти її окремих екземплярів, відзначено високу стійкість рослин до складних умов урбанізованого середовища та встановлено перспективність використання виду, за дії на нього чисельних антропогенних факторів. Результати показують, що всі досліджувані рослини P. nigra мають високі показники життєздатності та належать до першої групи перспективності. Значення акліматизаційних чисел свідчать про перспективність інтродукції P. nigra та успішність акліматизації в умовах урбанізованого середовища. Оцінивши декоративні якості P. nigra, виявлено, що в основному вона виділяється на фоні інших видів своєю компактною овальною чи конусоподібною кроною, темно-сірою з різними відтінками тріщинуватою корою та довгою темно-зеленою хвоєю. Саме завдяки цим якостям вона зберігає привабливий вигляд протягом усього року, навіть у зимовий період. На підставі отриманих результатів, сумарний річний показник декоративності основних ознак P. nigra становить 4 бали і свідчить про наявність високих декоративних якостей рослин цього виду. Отже, використання P. nigra в урбанізованому середовищі покращує екологічні умови міста та позитивно впливає на емоційний стан населення

    Methodological Aspects of Depreciation as an Economic Category

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    Depreciation is a complex economic category, the essence of which is manifested in the duality: this cost element, and its own source of reproduction of fixed assets and intangible assets. The depreciation laid relationship with asset and liability balance sheet; it touches on aspects such as formation costs, taxation issues, and reproductive process. That is why a methodological study of the depreciation essence, the allocation of the classification of bases, principles and functions seems urgent. In a study of a structured approach to the treatment of depreciation, developed fourteen grounds of classification, allowing to consider a category from different perspectives. Particular attention is paid to communication of depreciation or amortization, depreciation allocated classification. Principles of depreciation and highlighted the functions performed are designed to create a more complete picture of the depreciation. Thus, the methodological aspects of the depreciation that promote, further, formation of a technique of creation and use of a sinking fund. Keywords: Amortization, depreciation, wear, reproduction process, classification, principles, functions JEL Classification: M4

    Budget Policy of Social Development

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    The monograph is devoted to the development of methodological and institutional framework for the formation of fiscal policy to ensure social development. The essence and role of budget regulation in supporting the processes of endogenous economic growth are revealed. The experience of the implementation of fiscal policy in countries with developed and transformational economies is systematized. The directions of increasing the efficiency and strengthening the regulatory potential of the state tax policy are proposed. An assessment of the tax burden on labor and consumption in 2001–2017 is carried out; a comparative analysis of the values of the corresponding indicators in Ukraine and the European Union member countries is carried out. The factors that affect the fiscal significance of the value added tax, excise tax, income tax, personal income tax are identified. Provisions for enhancing the effectiveness of the institutional architectonics of the budget system are improved. Directions for improving the efficiency of budget expenditures are substantiated. The analysis of the influence of the main factors on the dynamics of changes in the ratio of public debt to GDP is carried out; it is established that inflation affected the most, and the exchange rate influenced the increase. An approach to assessing the state of debt security of the country is proposed, the conceptual framework for managing the budget deficit and public debt is defined. Provisions for the implementation of long-term budget planning and forecasting are developed. Institutional framework for the formation of the budget strategy is improved. The conceptual foundations of state financial support for human development are defined. A long-term budget strategy is developed, taking into account the cyclical nature of economic development. The conducted scientific research allows identifying the possibilities of positive influence of the budget policy on social development in the context of improving the quality of the institutional environment